Weekly Sit and Be Fit Classes are held at Howrah and Risdon Vale.
The Howrah Community Centre, Howrah Road, Howrah. Howrah.
Come and join our regular Sit and Be Fit classes and have some fun while getting fit!
Open to all ages and abilities our classes are suitable for everyone and we love to have a laugh, we’d love to have you join our Sit and Be Fit family.
Your investment in your health is only
Casual Classes are $13 – $15 per session. 10 session packs are available.
Due to Sit and Be Fit giving me hope, I have the purpose to stay well, keep well, feel well, eat sensibly with no happy pills – they are gone forever!
Sit and Be Fit changed my life. If not for this class and the companionship of all of my wonderful friends at Sit and Be Fit I would still be sitting at home depressed and eating.
Robyn – April 2018
10:00 – 10:45
Feel free to join us for a cup of tea and a chat after class.
Howrah Community Centre
11 Howrah Road Howrah
10:00 – 10:45
Feel free to join us for a cup of tea and a chat after class.
Howrah Community Centre
11 Howrah Road Howrah
10:00 – 10:45
Feel free to join us for a cup of tea and a chat after class.
Howrah Community Centre
11 Howrah Road Howrah
9:30 – 10:15
Feel free to join us for a cup of tea and a chat after class.
Risdon Vale
For more details about our classes please contact Vicki on 0419 155 578 or via email at vicki@emergehealthandwellness.com.au